Aug 28, 2015

printing binary, octal, duodecimal, hex with arduino

Discovered that the following print optional argument will output integer numbers in various bases. (As of Ver 1.6.5)

Serial.print(nnnn,base)    where nnnn is an integer, and base is an integer,

In addition to base 8 (OCT) and 16 (HEX), it can even do other bases such as 3 or 2  (HEX) or even 7 (should you think of a reason!).

    base = 7;
   base = 2;

Outputs in base 7 and base 2 respectively



 Didn't know you could do that.

Addendum: if the first number is a floating point number, then the second argument is the more conventional number of digits after the decimal.

Serial.print(xxx.x,nn)    where xxx.x is a float, and n is an integer,