Nov 2, 2015

A new Teensy 3.2 does not show up as a device in Win7 or Linux

I just received some new Teensyduinos for an ongoing project. They happen to be the new version 3.2. I tried two of them on windows, and then on Linux. However I cannot see the devices. Should be software-equivalent.

On Windows, neither shows up as a com port on Windows.
On Linux, it shows as "Teensyduino raw hid".

Tried swapping to T3.1s that I've been using; they work on both machines.

I discovered indirectly from troubleshooting guide that 
you must
- Open the Teensy Loader program
- Then press the Teensy's reset btn
Then all works fine. 

It's a "first time" startup thing.

I've never noticed this in the past. Apparently this applies to v 3.1 and v 3.2