Sep 27, 2015

LaTex renders equations in blog using Mathjax script in template

LaTex is a high-resolution, postscript-savvy document formatting language. It specifically separates formatting from the content. It is particularly useful for rendering equations. To embed Latex in a web page or a blog, there is a javascript function called mathjax which makes this work. For Blogger (or another web site), add the following script inside the head tag of the page or design template.

<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>   MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: [[&#39;$&#39;,&#39;$&#39;], [&#39;\\(&#39;,&#39;\\)&#39;]]}}); </script> <script src='' type='text/javascript'> </script>

Add the LaTex string in the body of the post. Surround the string by double dollar signs.
$$y = 3.02 cos(\omega t + \theta)$$
$$y = 3.02 cos (\omega t + \theta)$$

$$y = k _{0} + k_{1} \left[ \frac {\beta - 1}{ 2x + \alpha t} \right]$$

 $$y = k _{0} + k_{1} \left[ \frac {\beta - 1}{ 2x + \alpha t} \right]$$

You can use an online formatter gui such as this tool at to generate the expression. This site will generate the syntax for Latex, and render as html and as a graphic. Here is the same equation rendered in html. (it is slower to render, as it links to codecogs.)
