Dec 31, 2014

TextGraph Library: same line graphing and Terminal programs

I added a new function to TextGraph library for the specific case of wanting a moving bar graph that refreshes a single line instead of scrolling down the page.
Usage:  barGraphSameLine(n,'-','*')
It is a normal thing to do in a terminal program by issuing a carriage return but no line feed. Unfortunately the monitor in the Arduino IDE is NOT a terminal program and always issues the line feed, so to get the effect, the output must be viewed in a terminal. Nearly all terminal programs support VT100 mode, which also has cursor controls and clear and home commands. I've included these in the example file.

On Windows XP, Hyperterm
On Windows 7,  Teraterm 
On Mac 10.5+   MacWise $
On Mac 10.6+   ZOC $ (untested)
On Mac 10.x    Terminal
On Linux       Almost any (untested)   

On Mac, ZTerm does not work, nor does CoolTerm; neither would suppress LF

*Terminal can be used on Macintosh, but it's inconvenient as it takes two windows, and to make any change, the serial connection must be stopped. This requires a process status, kill process, and repeat of the screen command. Could not find a free program that works.

The latest TextGraph library fileset is linked here in DropBox.

screen view